Sanguine Soul

Archive for February 2012

These fireworks were all photoed at a local fi...

Image via Wikipedia

Twas New Years Eve and I was anxiously waiting amidst a sizeable number of people for the extravagant display of fireworks that was minutes away from blossoming in the ebony sky with the stunning backdrop of the Sydney harbor bridge. Blossom it did, as the fireworks lit up the night invigorating a sensational aura. The scene was nothing less than captivating and I couldn’t help but feel sad as the hues in the sky dissipated.

However I had no idea how much money the ensemble that dressed the sky for a few minutes costed. When I found out it was a whopping 65million dollars I was flabbergasted for more reasons than one. How can any country spend so much money on something as trivial as fireworks that too just for a few minutes of awe? The world just cannot afford the extravagance of multimillion dollar firework displays and yet each year countries like China, Australia, France, UK, Canada amidst others go all out with New Year’s Celebrations.

I don’t want to sound like a drag but can people not find a more suitable means of celebration? Do they have to blow up the sky each year wrecking the natural environment whilst also endangering human lives? It is sad what a few minutes worth of joy costs. China the biggest manufacturer of fireworks not only employs child labor in fireworks production factories but also puts their lives at stake. Each year there are many injuries and deaths that are caused solely due to fireworks. It’s hard to imagine how anyone can encourage fireworks displays knowing the heavy cost and loss of lives that it involves.

One can argue that it is great for the economy as it brings in a lot of money not to mention tourists from all over the world but realistically speaking and keeping long term risks in mind, it is absolutely useless. We are already damaging the eco system to the point where soon it will be irreparable and blowing up fireworks is just adding the cherry on top. In my opinion lighting the sky up with toxic fumes is something that is not debatable hence does not warrant any kind of cost benefit analysis. If one must celebrate why not try eco friendly alternatives such as electronic fireworks display lamps or LEDs. Costs less and makes more sense no?

Without a shadow of a doubt the money spent on fireworks can be put to better use elsewhere for instance to finance research projects that look at renewable and sustainable forms of energy. It is high time we realize that petroleum and coal are not going to last for infinity, yes it will last long enough for our generation but what about the future generations to come? What sort of a world will they be coming into? They will live a very bleak and devoid existence.  There are two things that should be our number one priority; to prevent the gradual deterioration of this planet by controlling climate change and to ensure means of sustainable energy.  Investing in solar, hydle and wind energy is the world’s best bet. What is more important is the fact that for developing and under developed countries it is easier to build an infrastructure that supports new forms of eco friendly energy as opposed to the developed world. This is because the developed world will have to take down its existing infrastructure and rebuild a new one from scratch whereas Africa and parts of Asia don’t have anything to begin with.

So it all comes down to one thing. Developed countries have a social and moral obligation towards protecting this sanctuary that God has bestowed upon us. It is up to them to utilize their resources in the best and most efficient means possible. These countries are in a position to develop, implement and then export renewable energy around the globe to reduce overall dependency on non renewable resources. Knowing that they have this responsibility to shoulder can they really afford to spend millions on a few minutes of joy and utter bliss, is the only question that I want to pose.

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February 2012

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